As a STRYD Coach : I understand the dynamics of running with power to gain the most benefit and stay injury free.
Using a STRYD power meter is more accurate that heart rate or pace training and takes the guesswork out of how hard you run and how best you perform your workouts with real time feedback.
The ability to run to power enhances efficiency, run form and a much better pacing strategy to finish strong.
Workouts: Once you have undertaken a few power run tests and have an accurate Critical Power (similar to an FTP in cycling), more accurate workouts can be designed and planned to gain the most benefit. By running to power you are better to pace without going too hard or to slow to ensure you stay in the prescribed zones ensuring you get the best out of each workout
Races: By knowing your Critical Power, you will be able to pace better via power even for seasoned athletes, so that you do not go out too fast at the start of the race and pay the price later as you fade and slow down. Running to power enables the athlete to pace themselves better than when running to pace and be able to finsish strongly.
Workout Alaysis: Through analytical software, and monitoring the change in Critical Power, your biomechanical efficiency, fatigue and form can be better understood than by heart rate to ensure that you become fitter and faster and where needed know when to rest

As a STRYD Power Certified Coach - For more information about getting a STRYD power meter and being coached to train with power, contact me to discuss further.
The complete list of our POWER RUNNING TRAINING PLANS from 10 km to 50km. on Trainingpeaks are listed HERE